


The AFB is authorised to collect funds, operate and organise events in Northern Ireland under section 167 of the Charities Act (NI) 2008.

The Armed Forces Bikers (AFB) is a United Kingdom based motorcycle charity which aims to assist former serving members of the armed forces in charitable need as a result of injury or other harmful experience suffered during their service, to resettle and rehabilitate into civilian life, also to relieve the needs of former members of the armed forces and their dependants.


The Armed Forces Bikers was founded on 25 May 2011 by former members of Army Bikers. The AFB are Side Patched Riders who gained charity status on 5 July 2012. UK Registered Charity Number 1147967 and Scottish Charity Number SC043586. The AFB is authorised to collect funds, operate and organise events in Northern Ireland under section 167 of the Charities Act (NI) 2008. All proceeds donated to the AFB are used for the benefit of veterans in charitable need. The AFB employs no staff and is run entirely by volunteers. The charity's activities are funded by AFB Trading Ltd, a non-profit online and mobile shop whose only share holder is the charity.


Every year on the third weekend in July, motorcyclists from the Armed Forces Bikers and their supporters take part in the AFB 500 Charity Challenge Weekend which is aimed at raising funds for veterans and their dependants in charitable need through any number of national, regional, group or individual events. You can organise a motorcycle ride, run, walk, swim or anything with 500 as a theme. You can just aim to raise £500 or more, whatever you like, as long as you stay safe and don't break the law.

Who can take part and how to sign up?

Anyone who wants to support veterans and their dependants in charitable need by raising funds, really!

The AFB also organise and attend events in 16 regions of the United Kindom for the benefit of its members and supporters, also to raise funds.

On-line assistance

 The AFB has an online grant form and grant policy.


Corporate/Business Sponsorship and Donations

The AFB seek corporate/business sponsorship and donations for unrestricted designated funds to help administer and resource our charity. This ensures that 100% of public funds donated to the AFB is granted to veterans in charitable need and other charitable organisations whose mission is in-line with our founding principles. 

Corporate/Business sponsorship and donation page

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David Peers   Wolfie